June 8, 2011
A Michigan House bill was introduced yesterday, 6/7/2011 by Rep. Timothy Bledsoe, to BAN PIT BULLS STATEWIDE.
Here's a link about the bill and who to contact to protest the passing of the bill; it's been sent to the regulatory reform committee, it's not yet scheduled for a committee hearing. PLEASE make ALL emails/snail mail RESPECTFUL and POLITE and the total opposite of all the CAPSLOCK!RAGE I have in this post. Stop BSL -- Michigan HB 4714.
For those who are link phobic, here's the text:
Contact bill author Rep. Timothy Bledsoe:
Office Address: S585 House Office Building
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Phone: (517) 373-0154
Toll-Free:(888) 254-5291
Fax: (517) 373-6094
Webpage with contact form: http://001.housedems.com/
HB 1474 defines “pit bull” as American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and any other dog that looks like one of these. The first year after the legislation is enacted, it will be illegal to breed or sell “pit bulls” in Michigan. The fourth year after enactment, all “pit bulls” in the state must be neutered. The tenth year after enactment, it will be illegal to possess a “pit bull” in the state.
Read the bill here: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2011-2012/billintroduced/House/htm/2011-HIB-4714.htm
The bill has been sent to the Regulatory Reform committee. Contact the members of the Regulatory Reform committee and ask them to oppose HB 4714.
Angie Lake, Committee Clerk, 517-373-5795, alake@house.mi.gov
Regulatory Reform Committee Members:
HughCrawford@house.mi.gov; KenYonker@house.mi.gov; paulopsommer@house.mi.gov; KevinDaley@house.mi.gov; TomMcMillin@house.mi.gov; JimStamas@house.mi.gov; MikeShirkey@house.mi.gov; RayFranz@house.mi.gov; EdMcBroom@house.mi.gov; BruceRendon@house.mi.gov; timmelton@house.mi.gov; haroldhaugh@house.mi.gov; barbbyrum@house.mi.gov; dianslavens@house.mi.gov; jimmywomack@house.mi.gov
HB 4714 is not yet scheduled for a committee hearing.
Tracking page for HB 4714: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(44ghvauhqqnqzc55ztl2iz2p))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=2011-HB-4714
I'm going to fight this with everything I have. FUCK THIS BULLSHIT. If this passes despite all the protests I KNOW this will get, then I'm moving. FUCK THAT. I would rather DIE than ever give Kane up. Ever.
crosposted the hell out of this shit.
Ontario put one in place. And it's worked so well. *(sarcasm).
ReplyDeleteI guess Michigan wants to join in and drive all the "fighting dogs" into the Great Lakes.